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Children's Gym Classes

We have collaborated with The Body Blueprint gym (located at 625 Fifth Avenue, Pelham) to offer group gym classes with a strong focus on sensory input, gross motor skills, task sequencing, turn taking and emotional regulation.  Each 45 minute session is designed to provide a comfortable play environment that facilitates learning and regulation through movement.  The reverberating effects from this form of input have been proven to facilitate improved sleeping patterns, decreased tantrumming, increased focus & attention span, and improved overall sensory processing.  These classes are offered daily and grouped by age.  Please create a profile and download our app (links below) to get started, purchase individual or class packages and view our schedules.  All abilities are welcome!  

Create profile here:

Dynami & Me Classes

Join us for an interactive parent-infant class held three times per week focusing on motor and physical development, sensory processing and fine motor skills.  These classes are designed to facilitate learning and development through providing a sensory rich environment and structured exploratory play.  Our lead instructor, Alex, is certified in American Sign Language (ASL) and provides basic beginner signing for infants and parents.  Classes are held at The Body Blueprint Gym at 625 Fifth Avenue, Pelham. 


Download app for iPhones here:

Download App from Play Store here:


Children learn best when they are engaged and entertained.  Our occupational therapists focus on administering treatment through the therapeutic use of play.  Dynami Kid’s practitioners work one-on-one with families in their homes and come up with individualized goals, taking into consideration what their parents feel would be most beneficial to each child.  Occupational therapy works to enhance children’s self-care skills, visual processing, fine motor skills, cognition, physical abilities, problem solving and sensory processing.  Specialized forms of treatments are implemented (i.e. Sensory Integration, Behavioral Modification) dependent on the personalized needs of the child.  Our therapists aim to teach children the skills to facilitate the highest quality of life and independence attainable through individualized methods.  We also provide in-home safety assessments and formal occupational therapy evaluations.

Occupational Therapy
Sensory Integration

Does your child get noticeably upset by the texture of a shirt, or when their hands are the tiniest bit sticky/dirty? Or maybe the opposite ... have you noticed your child falls so hard you check to see if they are hurt, and they are un-phased, or laughing? Approximately 1 in 6 children present with Sensory Processing difficulties.  This can present in VARIOUSLY different ways including extremely picky eaters, hyperactive behaviors, melt-downs, lack of pain/fear/safety awareness, sensitivities to sounds and many, many more.  Efficient sensory processing has been proven to facilitate increased ability to perform self-care tasks and ability to learn. Our providers are well-versed in the broad manner in which sensory behaviors may present and experienced in providing sensory-rich environments for their clients. 

Potty Training

Is it about that time to explore the world of potty training?  Some children have more difficulty understanding the urges and remembering the steps than others.  We specialize in assisting children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and other neurologic diagnoses that can make the toilet-training process more challenging.


Parent/family Consulting

Children with mandated services have been suffering from a lack of routine and interruptions to the daily lives they have become accustomed to. Many children with special needs (i.e. Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder, Down Syndrome, chromosomal deletions, genetic mutations/anomalies) respond well to a consistent routine that they can predict, promoting increased success in their daily activities, positive behaviors and improved overall sensory processing. Dynami Kids will not only provide services to families to supplement those that their children have been lacking, but will also offer one-on-one consultation services for families to administer individualized advice and strategies to improve the entire family's overall quality of life.

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